The View from the Shard

Having taken a few days off over Easter to unwind, I treated myself to a ticket to The Shard’s viewing platform. I’ve fancied going up for a while. Mainly because (a) I like tall things; (b) I like London; and (c) I like being a tourist. So, armed with my camera, backpack and mini-panoramic guide of the sights, I ascended the 72 floors to the open-air gallery. I didn’t walk, you understand; I took the fastest lift in the universe…travelling at two floors per second! My ears actually popped.

You may have heard me waffle on about The Shard before. It was designed by Renzo Piano and is an architectural wonder. It has completely recast London’s skyline and can been seen from all over the city. Yes, it might be a slick, glass megalithic symbol of the corporate west and represent exactly why I am now struggling to afford a small two-bed flat in my own city. But, setting that aside…it is beautiful. And at a height of over 1,000 feet, it offers spectacular views over London. You can see for up to 40 miles on a clear day. Here are a few snaps…

IMG_5100The 74th Tallest Building in the World

IMG_6212The Square Mile

IMG_6283Somebody Left A Window Open


IMG_6207Casting a Shadow Over the City

IMG_6214Home of the Crown Jewels

IMG_6295More Tall Things

IMG_6230Looking East

IMG_5025The Apex

IMG_6242The Handiwork of Another Quite Famous Architect

IMG_5068Kaleidoscopic Lift

IMG_2401View from Afar

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